November 4, 2009

Who's the Goblin in the Nappy?

Wednesday, 9pm

Thought for the Day - Raw onions are never a good idea - especially when you have to kiss your mother goodbye

Pug Status - Severely affronted to find another pug in her chair

A toasty house and a hot pug on my lap - who could ask for more?

Had a very interesting few days at work, culminating in our department running an Autumn Fayre as a promotion for the rest of the firm to enjoy. Each of us had to help run a different stall, such as 'Splat the Rat' or 'Trick or Treat', but ours was a 'Whose Baby' competition with each of us submitting a cute (or, in my case, not so cute) photo....

Now, people who know me know that my memory is legendary. I am famously absent-minded and so it would come to no-one's surprise that I forgot to ask my parents for a photo until the night before the deadline. Luckily, Facebook came to my rescue, in the form of one of my siblings who has posted a photo of me in all my Terry-towelling chubby-cheeked glory! I quickly copied and cropped the pic and emailed it on to my colleague who was coordinating the picture board....

Unfortunately..... the scanning process and subsequent retouching for the purposes of display left my photo with a decidedly green tinge, making me look like the youngest goblin in the enchanted wood....

Still enjoying the driving to and from work - but I face a dilemma. Perhaps someone could help me out here - is it wrong for me to snigger to myself every morning that I drive past signs for The Camp Industrial Estate....??

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