August 7, 2010

The Psychic Pug....

Lots has happened since I last posted the daily ramblings of man and hound. We've all passed a lot of water over the bridge (but not over the Twentieth Mile bride, in case we hit the electric train cables) but man and pug are still going strong - admittedly a year older but I can't be bothered to change the blog's title. Obi Pug Kenobi still rules the roost in our house. On a recent trip to London she saw a sign on the Underground reading 'Dogs Must Be Carried' and has decided that this doesn't just apply on the Tube....

So why am I writing again? Well, a few months ago Hertbeat was tucked up in bed with a nice milky drink, its favourite teddy and a dog-eared 'Famous Five' book only to re-emerge the next morning as a bold and confident, slightly more edgy teenager called 106 Jack FM. Jack's Breakfast show crew, which is effectively the same lovely people who did Hertbeat Breakfast, wanted their own take on Paul, the psychic octopus, who was so good at getting Germany's World Cup results spot on.

The Jack team wasted no time in getting Obi Pug Kenobi's (the chocolate biscuit being frantically waved in front of er nose probably helped). Would she be willing to put her puggy nose on the line and guess how Stevenage FC would do in their first ever League game against Macclesfield? With not one, but two, bowls of food on offer, how could she refuse?

So, ladies and gentlemen (if, indeed, you are), I bring you - the Psychic Pug......

P.S. - she wanted a crystal ball and a mystic looking headscarf - I said that if it wasn't good enough for Russell Grant it wasn't good enough for her....

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